Add another one to the book? I am referring to the Lamb's Book of Life. That's the book that God will or won't find our name in when we have to stand in front of Him. Either we chose to confess our sins and commit our lives to Christ on earth or we didn''s that plain and simple...if you did, your name is in the Book, if not, you're not there and God will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Just wanted to let you all know that a little boy named Christian asked Jesus into his heart tonight. His name is now in The Book! He looked right at me and told me he knew he was a sinner and he needed to ask Jesus in his heart and then he was going to get baptized! This little boy is in the third grade and just started coming to our AWANA program about 3 weeks ago. He's learned over 20 verses already- in 3 weeks! That's incredible! I am so proud of him. God is really moving among us at FBC Atwood! If you're counting, this is 22 salvations since February! That's insane! That's only something God can do! We're going to have another baptismal service on Easter Sunday. I am asking you to pray for Christian and the other boys and girls who have been saved recently in our church. We have 3 weeks left before Awana lets out for the summer. Please pray that we have an opportunity to lead at least one more child to the Lord in each of the next three Awana meetings. I could handle 25 to round out the year! Thank you for praying for us and for the kids at AWANAs. Please pray for our Children's Church program and our Church Camp this summer too... we can always use your prayers. Besides, you know that camp and I just don't always mix...bugs, sweat and heat...Gross! But it's going to be great and we're actually staying at a camp that has mattresses this year! Yippee!!!! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support! We love you!
P.S. If you don't have somewhere you're going to church on Sunday, come with us! We would love to have you! God is moving, don't miss out on the action :)
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