Friday, March 27, 2009

Migraine Help!!!!

Okay, so I've been having all these migraines off and on for the last several years..lately they have been really, really bad, several times a week. Two weeks ago my vision started going crazy. So, the dr sent me to the ER last Monday. They did a CT Scan and my brain was still there :) and they didn't see anything. They gave me a shot, which really didn't help, and sent me home. I had an appointment with my dr this past Monday. He gave me Imotrex and said that is the tried and true and it should help. Wednesday morning I woke up and my head was I took an Imotrex...never again will I do that. If you don't know me well, you don't know that I HATE medicine. I took one of these and my shoulders and neck got soooo tight! I was so uncomfortable. I got out the packaging and it said that less than 1% experience stiffening of the neck and shoulders...lucky me:) So, the medicine gave me a stiff neck and shoulders and knocked me out for 4 hours. I woke, up, still had the headache, still had it Thursday and still have it today. I have taken Ibuprofen, Vanquish, Tylenol (no more Imotrex) and I refuse to take the Vicodin...that's ridiculous...However, my head hurts so bad, I can't stand it. I want to know if there are any "home" remedies that I should be trying. Is there ANYTHING you can think of? I'll try it! Give me some help, please! :)


  1. If you have vicodan, take it. I don't like to take meds either, but if you're in that much pain...
    Hope you feel better sweetie!!

  2. Hey Misty! As a migraine sufferer myself, my mom always told me to take 2 Tylenol or Advil chug a Pepsi and wash my hair in really cold water. The caffeine should give you a boost, and the cold water helps to calm down the nerves that are going wacko in your head. You may want to try Aleve or something that you don't normally take, your body can build up a resistance to your usually meds. Hope this helps. Jessica

  3. Hi Misty,

    I found your blog from your facebook page. I've really enjoyed reading your posts. I've just started seriously coupon shopping myself, so I appreciated your ideas.

    I hope by now that you are having relief from your headaches, but if not, I will share with you that I have also had a history with migraines, and recently found that massage therapy has helped immensely. I was reluctant to try it, but after so many people suggested it and nothing else worked, I gave it a try and was very surprised. I also am a convert to chiropractic care, which I also used to dismiss. Funny what you'll try when you're in pain. Dr. Middleton in Arcola is wonderful.

    I'll pray that you find something soon that will give you relief.

    Erin Krabel

  4. Erin, thanks so much for the tip! I just started going to the chiropractor...I also used to write them off...but you're right, when you're in enough pain, you'll try it. So far so good. My headaches haven't gone away, but I am feeling better...some. I am going to give massage therapy a try too. Good luck with your coupon shopping. You should have your girls help you. That will teach them great lessons for the future and you can ALWAYS use help at the grocery least I can. Thanks for the tips and have a GREAT day!
