Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"My Son is 18 years old - he's an Idiot" (aka the Biggest Loser is Awesome!!!)

TGIT - thank goodness its Tuesday!!! Because the Biggest Loser is on Tuesdays and Misty and I get so excited and so into it. Now I know for a fact that some people who have a chance to read this blog (Butch, Leslie, Bynette...I'm looking at you!) watch the BL so we want to know what everyone thinks. Who do you like, who don't you like, who do you think is going to bring home the bacon (figuratively speaking of course) and win it all. My money is on Tara but you never know, I was not very sad to see Aubrey go home tonight and am looking forward to seeing who gets to come back next week. Anyways let us know what you think!!!