Monday, March 30, 2009

Refrigerator Failure!

This morning, as I was trying to get ready to leave for my monthly shopping trip, I noticed that there was a puddle under our refrigerator. I asked Andy to look at it. He opened the freezer door to find that everything in our freezer was complete mush and the ice in our icemaker was melted and pouring out onto the floor. Immediately, I was frustrated and then the peace of God came over me and reminded me of two things!
  1. This happened the day that I have to do my monthly grocery shopping...There could not be a day when we would lose LESS food than we would have today. Our refrigerator and freezer did have lots of stuff in them, but not a month's worth!
  2. We have an extra refrigerator in our funeral home that is RARELY used. It is a blessing that we don't have to buy another one!

God is so good to take care of us. Here is my verse for the day:

Philippians 4:19 God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


It's Sunday night and I'm doing what I always do now on Sunday nights. I am going through sale bills that came in the Sunday paper. At the beginning of this year, our church decided to Tear Down the Wall of Debt. We owe money on our building and it's better to pay it off so we're not paying interest and so we can have more money to use in service for the Lord. So, Andy and I took a serious look at our budget, sold our Cadillac (which was on our last nerve anyways), traded it in for a used Mercury Sable (which we LOVE) and got a new outlook on our finances. We decided that just because we had the money to do certain things, doesn't mean we had to "do it" or "have it". I am not saying that we aren't going on a great trip next year for our anniversary, because we are...but we can be doing so much more to better ourselves, our future and our church if we'd just pay a little more attention to our finances. So, I have some friends that do the same, so I'm going to be posting the best deals I can find each Sunday night to share with all of you.

If you don't know, Andy and I make a monthly menu and doing the bulk of our grocery shopping at the beginning of the month. We do this for several reasons:

  1. We don't have a grocery store in Newman anymore.
  2. You save money if you're in the store less.
  3. You save time by not having to go the store several times a week.
  4. I'm an organized nerd :)

So, now that we've established the reason for the monthly shopping, I'll tell you how I do it. At the first of the month, we take out money that is set aside for groceries and baby supplies. That money goes into an envelope. At the end of the month, when that money is gone, it's don't want to be out of money at the end of the month because you'll go hungry!

We price compare. I do all of our shopping at Wal-Mart. If you go to Wal-Mart and tell them that Pepsi is on sale at Meijer's 2-24 packs for $10, they will match the price. And just in case you're wondering, Pepsi is on sale at Meijer's and I'm getting in on that deal tomorrow. They do not match 1/2 off or percentage off prices or buy 1 get 1 prices. However, if Meijer's has a super special, like 10 tubes of Crest toothpaste for $10, you can get that at Wal-Mart. Last week, I went to Wal-Mart, told them about the toothpaste special and also had 7 coupons for the toothpaste. The toothpaste should have cost me about $25. I spent $4.50 on 10 tubes of Crest Whitening Toothpaste with Scope. (6.2 oz tubes). That's a pretty good savings!

Don't be so brand specific! I must confess that I like my brands...I like certain kinds of cheese, Diet Coke, name brand frozen products, etc. However, I've learned to try new things, and if I don't like them, I cut back on the budget somewhere else so I can have my name brand item. However, I have learned to like many of the store brands...Now, I am not and wasn't ever a total brand snob, but I have learned to live with more store brands, which has saved us a lot of money.

If you can, go to a warehouse store like Sam's Club. There are lots of things at Sam's that can throw you for a loop...Do not buy soda there...or's cheaper to price match at Wal-Mart! But, the macaroni and cheese is a great deal. We don't eat the generic mac and cheese and they have a great price on Kraft. So, we buy 12 boxes at a time...the kids eat that much macaroni and cheese. They have great deals on pasta, chips, crystal light, diapers, wipes, razor blades, etc. The bad things about Sam's is that they don't take coupons! The only coupons they take are manufacturer's checks for formula. Our kids aren't drinking formula, but you might be interested to know that.

Cut Coupons! Wal-Mart ALWAYS takes coupons. Wal-Mart does not double coupons like some other stores, but I know that you will not save more by going to Kroger's. Their store brand prices do not compare and their regular prices are more too. If you go to FBC Atwood, there is a coupon box in the foyer. I cut out Sunday coupons and I know Jenny and Adriane do as well. We put coupons in and take coupons we need. This box is open to anyone in the church that needs to use them...that's what they're there for!

Another thing, I know I refer to Meijer's a lot in here, but don't shop there. They have good prices on a few things each week, but for the most part are MUCH higher than Wal-Mart. I know many of you like to shop at Aldi's. Aldi's does have some good items. However, with a 2 and 3 year old, I don't have time to go to multiple stores. That's why I go to Wal-Mart and get it all. With the price matching and coupons, I truly don't think you can beat them!

So, without further ado...I am going to list of the Top 10 best finds in the papers. You may not care for some of these...these are my may like store brand frozen vegges, for example and I don't...but these are my favorite finds for the week.

  1. Milk is always $1.99 at Aldi's.
  2. Green Giant Frozen Fresh Steamers are 10/$10 at IGA.
  3. Doritos and Ruffles are 2/$5 at IGA.
  4. Kraft Shredded Cheese (2 c. pkgs) are 3/$5 at Target.
  5. Velveeta Blocks are $4.49 at Meijer's.
  6. Post Cereal is 3/$6 at Meijer's.
  7. Kellog's Cereal is $2.29 at IGA.
  8. 24 Pk of Pepsi Products are 2/$10 at Meijer's.
  9. Yoplait Yogurt is 10/$5 at Meijer's.
  10. Strawberries are 2/$4 at Meijer's.

Okay, now, you go out and shop and get all the good deals. If you are looking for something else, let me know and I can tell you if it's on sale somewhere. I have a 3 page grocery I better get some rest before I have to shop tomorrow!

Don't forget to cut coupons! The coupons in today's paper weren't great...but they'll be better next week! There is a Subway coupon in today's paper....Andy LOVES Subway!

If you want to go to Sam's Club, I'm leaving tomorrow morning and then going to Wal-Mart (and Hobby Lobby too - all their Easter stuff is 50% off). It should be fun!

Happy Shopping to you all and post a comment if you know of more ways to save, good sales, etc.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Capital of Maine is Montpelier Vermont

So for those who don't know by far and away my favorite tv show of all time is The Office. The Title of this post is one of my favorite quotes from the show (if you are not a fan that will make no sense at all, if you are a fan do you know what episode that's from and who said it???). Anyways if you have never seen it I highly recommend you check it out, it's on Thursdays on NBC and 8:00. I love it and I think this has been a great season, I couldn't believe what happened last Thursday and I can't wait to see where the season ends up with only 7 episodes left!!! Let me know what you think of the Office!


Migraine Help!!!!

Okay, so I've been having all these migraines off and on for the last several years..lately they have been really, really bad, several times a week. Two weeks ago my vision started going crazy. So, the dr sent me to the ER last Monday. They did a CT Scan and my brain was still there :) and they didn't see anything. They gave me a shot, which really didn't help, and sent me home. I had an appointment with my dr this past Monday. He gave me Imotrex and said that is the tried and true and it should help. Wednesday morning I woke up and my head was I took an Imotrex...never again will I do that. If you don't know me well, you don't know that I HATE medicine. I took one of these and my shoulders and neck got soooo tight! I was so uncomfortable. I got out the packaging and it said that less than 1% experience stiffening of the neck and shoulders...lucky me:) So, the medicine gave me a stiff neck and shoulders and knocked me out for 4 hours. I woke, up, still had the headache, still had it Thursday and still have it today. I have taken Ibuprofen, Vanquish, Tylenol (no more Imotrex) and I refuse to take the Vicodin...that's ridiculous...However, my head hurts so bad, I can't stand it. I want to know if there are any "home" remedies that I should be trying. Is there ANYTHING you can think of? I'll try it! Give me some help, please! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bible Study Tonight

This is a just a reminder for those of you who read this blog and come to our Bible Study. We're having dinner tonight at 6:15 and the Bible study at 6:45. We are studying Cries from the Cross by Dr. Erwin Lutzer. You do not have to have studied the handouts to come. It's helpful, but you are still more than welcome to come and discuss and study with us tonight. If you have questions, just let us know. If you don't come to the study or live too far away to come to the study and are interested in what we're studying, we can email you the study so you can follow along at your own pace. Have a great day and we look forward to seeing you tonight!
~Andy and Misty

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3 More and That Makes 20!!!

What is better than a pizza party and chocolate? I'm about to tell you...3 more kids asked Jesus to be their Savior tonight at Awanas! That makes 20 for this year...just in AWANAs. That's unbelievable. Really, that's 20 in the last month! We had another little girl get saved a few weeks ago in children's church, too. If you're counting...that's 21! How cool is this? God is really moving in our church and we couldn't be more thrilled! If you don't have plans on Sunday, come to our church. We would love to see you there...we'll even save you a seat if you'll tell us you're coming. If you want to know why I asked about pizza and chocolate, it's because tonight was our Pizza Party at AWANAs. Craig and Cheryl Chapman bought pizza for all 86 of us from Monical's Pizza and it was good! We all had a great time tonight! Thank you to all of you who pray for us and for the AWANA ministry! We appreciate it and God is hearing your prayers!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"My Son is 18 years old - he's an Idiot" (aka the Biggest Loser is Awesome!!!)

TGIT - thank goodness its Tuesday!!! Because the Biggest Loser is on Tuesdays and Misty and I get so excited and so into it. Now I know for a fact that some people who have a chance to read this blog (Butch, Leslie, Bynette...I'm looking at you!) watch the BL so we want to know what everyone thinks. Who do you like, who don't you like, who do you think is going to bring home the bacon (figuratively speaking of course) and win it all. My money is on Tara but you never know, I was not very sad to see Aubrey go home tonight and am looking forward to seeing who gets to come back next week. Anyways let us know what you think!!!

Ryan is bad on Wednesdays?

Molly said something funny on Sunday night and I've been thinking about it since...Sunday, as we were getting ready to walk out the door for church, Andy got a call for the funeral home so Molly, Ryan and I ended up going to church to that evening together. We were in the car and I was teasing with Ryan and he said, "No, no, no Mommy" and then laughed. I repeated back to him using his name and we laughed and did this several times. Finally, Molly looked over at him and said, "Ryan, Mommy is the boss. You should be a better listener"! I said to her, "Molly, we were just playing". She said, "Well, Ogie was talking back". I explained to her that he was playing but sometimes she talks back too. She told me that Ryan is bad sometimes and I explained to her that sometimes she didn't have good behavior either. I told her that everyone has bad days sometimes. She looked at me and said, "Well, why does Ryan have a bad day every Wednesday?" I just laughed! She doesn't know the days of the week...somewhere along the way she's heard the word "Wednesday" and thought that must be the name of the day that Ryan is bad. I was just sitting here with her, thinking about what we had to do tomorrow and realized, it's almost Wednesday, SO we better be on good behavior tomorrow!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wii, myself, and I

So, something I've really been enjoying lately is our Wii. I don't know who out there has one but I would highly recommend one! I personally have been enjoying the Wii Fit (not that you can tell!!!), and I recently got to spend a couple of days playing Mario Kart Wii with Misty's cousin Drew when he was here for a visit and that is one of the greatest games of all time (I of course dominated him in every race!!!). If anybody has a wii and has any good game recommendations please let me know!


Sunday, March 22, 2009


Oooh yeah...I forgot we also got into this century this week by getting a facebook page. Okay, I never thought I would - but I am interested in keeping up with everyone so I thought I'd just do it. Besides, my children are so darn cute, I think everyone I know deserves to see their adorabe faces :) I am so silly! Can you tell I love Andy and the kids??? Check us out if you have a facebook too!

Please comment to Andy - He's amusing himself!

If you've read Andy's cool list of favorite musical groups, you have to be guessing who most of them are. He's dying for someone to ask :) He is so funny! I am just married to the funniest man of all time - and I'm not even being sarcastic...I love him!

Lists, Lists, Everywhere there's Lists......

OK so I figured if we are going to have a blog I might as well put it to good use. I thought every so often I would post a list of top 5's of whatever topic comes to mind. I thought this might be fun for people to look at, and hopefully people will post comments about it. Anyways I think it will be fun, hope you do to.

Andy's Top 5 Favorite Bands/Musical Groups
1.Power of Praise
3.Zack Attack
4.Jesse and the Rippers
5.En Fuego

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Blog Rookie!!!

Hi everyone! This is Andy posting his first ever blog entry!!! I just wanted to say hi and hope you enjoy our blog! We are finally catching up with technology (sort of).


Hi! We have added a survey to our blog. It's at the bottom. Take the survey if you want. We can't see who gives what answers. That's between you and God and no one else. After you've taken the survey, read below. We're truly sharing this with you because we love you!

Stand Up for Life!

PRO LIFE! All of the below ramblings are based on a forward I got from my dear friend Adraine. Please read below:

Jeremiah 1:5"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born I consecrated you;I appointed you a prophet to the nations."If you believe that the Bible is true, then you cannot deny what this verse says. BEFORE God formed us in the womb, he KNEW us. It doesn't say He thought about making us if He got around to it. It says that He knew us. If He allowed us to be conceived then it was on purpose!

I also think it's amazing that the gov't allows people to kill babies through abortion and that should be perfectly fine with us, but if a woman is murdered and is carrying a child, it counts as a double murder! That's a double standard. They don't believe a fetus is a person until it is born and can breathe on it's own in the case of abortion. However, if the baby's still inside a woman and she's murdered, the fetus counts as a human being?

Please read the email below. I have 73 envelopes that are red and I am sending them. I got this forward and thought, where in the world am I going to find red envelopes? I found 47 that I had left from last Christmas and then I found an old pack of envelopes that I bought at Hobby Lobby. If you can't find red envelopes, then you can go to Hobby Lobby or any craft store and they'll have them in their cardmaking section. If you can't find a red envelope, color one with a marker. My friend Stacey told me she went to Hallmark and they sold her red envelopes for $0.03 each. This is an opportunity for us to go straight to the top with our plea. The address is there, the day to mail them and the information that goes on the envelope.

Thanks for reading and I hope you'll help! Please send this to any of your friends or family that may be interested in helping with this!

Red Envelopes Represent Abortion Deaths

staff reports

'Maybe it will change the heart of the president.'What began as one box of red envelopes has become somewhat of a cultural phenomenon.Christ Otto has been involved in the pro-life movement for nearly 20 years. As the pro-abortion Barack Obama took office, Otto was rightly concerned and rightly praying about the situation."I believe God gave me an interesting idea," he says.

Enter the box of red envelopes. Otto, 37, wants Obama to receive hundreds, thousands, millions, of empty red envelopes, symbolizing the moral outrage of abortion."I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died before having a chance to live," he says. "Maybe it will change the heart of the president."Otto says it's a small act that could make a big statement."People are not going to get into an argument," he says. "They're not going to stand in front of an abortion clinic. But they are going to buy an envelope and cast this vote for life."

"The plan is simple: On March 31, mail an empty red envelope to:

Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

On the outside of the envelope, write:

"This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.

"FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit the Red Envelope Web site. Also, check out the dozens of Facebook groups devoted to the cause. Just type "Red envelope" into the search box.(NOTE: Referral to Web sites not produced by Focus on the Family is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.)

A New Day, A New Blog

Hi! Andy and I have decided to create a blog so you can see what we're doing and what's going on in our lives. Of course, if you know us, you know you'll see new pictures of the kids, find out what's going on at the funeral home and find out what's going on at our church. We hope you enjoy this new way to keep in touch with us!