Saturday, February 6, 2010

Price Matching

I used to post price matching for the week, which seemed like it took a lot of work but after thinking about it, it really didn't. I have been sick in the past few months, so I haven't done much of it....maybe that's why I quit. However, last week, I got back into the habit and saved nearly $50 price matching. I bought a month's worth of groceries (not including milk or fresh fruit and vegetables) for $250. I have my menu planned out and I'm ready to go. If any of you is interested in seeing my Top 10 Deals of the week or menu ideas, please let me know so I can resume posting them. I love saving a dollar, and I hope you do too!!! I'd also love to learn more about coupon cutting and more ways to save, so feel free to post that too!



  1. I would love to see your deals and menu ideas! I have been wanting to start doing this same thing and would love some ideas to get me a jump start! Espcially now days who can't afford to save wherever they can! Thanks for all of your posts and ideas they really are great! You sound like you really are creating wonderful memories for you children to recall when they get older!! Keep up the awesome work!!
    Thanks again,
    Malia Graves!

  2. I love hearing about all your savings! I'm HUGE on cutting coupons and I save tons doing it! I learned right after Hudson was born that there are great ways to save with don't have to purchase exactly what is on the coupon; there is a family code (the first set of numbers) on each coupon, and if the product you're buying has the same family code the coupon will work. For example: I use Crest White Strips coupons on Pampers diapers which means I save anywhere from $3 to $10 on a box of diapers...HUGE!!! It's nothing for me to go to the grocery store and save $20 to $35 in coupons! I'm not huge on the price matching, just because I haven't taken the time to do it, but I'm willing to try it! I'd love to see more of your Top 10's and menu ideas...I LOVE saving lots of $1's!!!

  3. Hey Misty. I would LOVE to see your price matching. I just recently go into that, and also have been clipping coupons and looking on line. moneysavingmom.come is a good one, and also has lincs to others!
    Emily Sweet

  4. Alicia, girl, have you been holding out on me? You better explain this a little more in depth. Okay, I got a coupon TODAY for $10 and $3 off Crest White Strips. Now what can I use them for and what numbers do I look at???

  5. So you look at the first set of numbers which should be 37000 and you can use those on anything that has those same first set of numbers, just a few off the top of my head...Pampers, Crest toothpaste (I use Crest Sensitivity toothpaste which is close to $4 and I use the $3 coupon every time and buy it for cents!) Olay, Prilosec (those usually have $3 coupons too with the same 37000) Another good one is Huggies, I use their diaper coupons $1.50, $2.00 and #3.00 coupons on wipes because I use pampers diapers so I don't need them for diapers. Huggies first set of numbers is 36000 and they can be used on Cottonelle toilet paper (cottonelle usually only puts out 50cent coupons so it's a big savings to use Huggies coupons) There are a lot more you can do those are just a few off the top of my head. Oh another example is Birds Eye frozen veggies...use the Birds Eye Steamfresh meals coupon which are usually $1.50 on their veggies, same for most everything else like Roberts dairy, Kraft, etc. you can use their coupons within their brand for something other than what's on the coupon. Just a tip...I usually do all of my shopping at Wal-Mart and I always find a checker that looks like they could care less about their job because they don't pay attention to the coupons, you can get some sticklers who are very by the book and will give you trouble, but if you are buying a lot at 1 time they can't remember everything you bought by the really does work and I save tons of money doing it! Sorry if this was too wordy or confusing!

  6. Oh, and I usually buy 2 papers when there are a lot of coupons, you more than make your money back everytime!

  7. Leash, YOU ROCK!!! I'm so going to try it tomorrow! It never hurts to try! Thanks!

  8. Check out She has a ton of tips for coupon cutting and shopping for great deals at drugstores. I also go to to match up coupons with sale ads. I stock up on things when they are on sale and I have a coupon.

  9. Malia, I'm so glad you're interested. Let me know if you have any questions and have a good week!

  10. Alicia, I tried the coupon trick today and they wouldn't let me use it. I'm going to have to try to find ways to be more creative with regular coupons :) Thanks for the tip though!
