Molly started Pre-K last week! We are devastated here without her. For her entire life, she's been at home with both parents and having adult conversations since she's been able to talk. She's gone to Pre-K now...Monday through Friday, 8-3! It's a long day, but for a girl who's as shy as Molly is, we knew this was best for her. This summer, Molly went to the library program and her teacher was the Pre-K teacher at the school. The Pre-K aide is a great family friend, Teresa Hawkins. She and Molly get along great! We knew that if there was ever going to be an easy transition for Molly that this would be it!!!
Let me say after a week of school, I am so glad we did this now because I cannot fathom how horrible it would be if we did this next year and she didn't know the teachers. She has cried almost everyday. She tells me how much she misses me. She stands on the playground crying with all the other kids running around her, having fun. I don't understand because I was never so shy. I feel sooo sorry for her standing there all alone and I cry because I can see she's upset. I know, it's only been one week and I'm hoping it only gets better! Andy swears to me that she won't be a senior in highschool, standing on the playground alone or playing in the rocks by herself under the tree.
I know she's bored with the conversation. I ask her how lunch was and she tells me who she sits by and says, "those kids don't talk much". I asked her if they talked to other people and she said they didn't, they just don't talk much at all. I'm sure she's pretty bored considering she's eaten 3 meals a day with Andy, Ryan and I and we talk about EVERYTHING!
Sending Molly to school has been very beneficial in one area so far! She is praying like crazy! She's learning that she can pray wherever she's at, no matter what! She's praying to not be scared and praying for friends (to have them and for the ones she's made), and this is certainly keeping me on my toes, spiritually. I am in constant prayer for her!
I cannot imagine how I'm going to feel when my kids go through things and tough experiences at school and in life. It breaks my heart to see her cry everyday in Pre-K.
All I can say is that I am so thankful that God has entrusted 3 children to me. I am committed to teaching them to pray about every situation and to be faithful witnesses for Christ!
Pray for Molly today, that she stays strong, that she finds people to play with, that she has fun AND that she doesn't cry (because Daddy's going to give her SODA if she doesn't)!
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