This summer has been a crazy one so far! First of all, Katherine Brooke arrived into the world on May 15th! She's certainly changed our lives, but of course, it's for the better! It's easy to forget how much work a baby is. She's up at night, fussy sometimes and needs to be held by her Mamma all the time! But oh, the joy a new baby brings. She's started smiling and is working on holding her head up. She's growing so fast, it's unbelievable. And to think, I thought I was done having babies. I'm so glad we decided to "go for it" one more time! I already can't imagine my life without her.
Of course, Molly and Ryan are getting bigger now (4 and 3 years old) and have social lives of their own. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Molly goes to ballet and tap class in Paris, IL. On Wednesdays, Molly and Ryan go to a class at the library, which they absolutely love. We've already had VBS this summer and both of them go to go to classes this year so that was a blast! Today, Molly had a play date with a few of her friends and they made play doh and cookies! I took Ryan and his friend Max (and Max's Mommy) to McDonald's after the library. It was so cute to see two 3 year old little boys in the backseat - having a conversation! Of course, you couldn't understand half of it, but at least they thought they were having a great conversation!
It's crazy and amazing to watch the lives of your children! It seems like 2 weeks ago when Molly was born and here she is, about to start pre-school in the fall! I remember bringing her home from the hospital. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even think I took diapers to the hospital. I didn't take formula either...I knew I wanted to breastfeed. But it never crossed my mind that that might not work out and I could have needed a backup plan. Thank goodness the nursing worked out and thank goodness I learned a few things along the way...since 2 more babies came along rather quickly. It's been 4 1/2 years and I have 3 kids!!!
Life speeds by so quickly. I'm trying to remind myself to cherish everyday...and enjoy it. I am a busy person, so I don't often stop and enjoy, but I'm trying! I don't want to miss these fun, entertaining, stressful, crazy, wonderful moments! Wow! They really do grow up so fast!
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