If you don't know, Katie has been colicky and has acid reflux and she's been quite a lot to handle. Our first 2 children were so easy to take care of so we were quite surprised to get one that wasn't. Katie is a sweet girl and so fun but when she's mad, she's mad and she wants everyone to know it.
When she was a newborn she slept decently for the first few weeks. However, after about 2 months she had gotten to the point where she never wanted to sleep and cried all the time. Everyone suggested we take her for a ride in the car to get her to sleep and that was the worst thing ever! She would scream a blood curdling scream that was so loud your head would ring. Every week we'd drive to church 3 times a week and the whole way there and the whole way back she would scream. It was awful! By the time I got to church I was near tears and then she'd scream all through church. This has gone on since last July.
It's been an adjustment for Molly and Ryan too. It isn't easy going from a very calm house to listening to your baby sister scream all the time and your mom and dad have to give her so much attention to try to get her to stop.
The last few weeks have gotten better! She's finally starting to enjoy life a little more :) She's learned to crawl and pull up on things and is trying to cruise while holding onto the couch, furniture, walls, whatever she can hold on to. She's screaming much less and 3 weeks ago was the first time she didn't scream during the church service in the nursery.
I am writing all this to say THANK YOU so much to all of you who have prayed for her and for us! I have been nothing short of exhausted for months and Andy has been too. Some of you have seen things I've written on facebook and sent me inbox messages to tell me you understood and you were praying. There were days when I'd come to church and ask my Sunday school class to pray for her. I know so many of you did. My pastor has continuously prayed for her and for us and I am so thankful for that. You nursery workers were AWESOME! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you listening to her and telling me to get out of the nursery and go sit in church. I needed that! Thank you! I am so thankful to be a part of a church that has such a great nursery full of workers who love children. Hannah Hawkins has watched Katie and listened to her SCREAM just so we could go eat dinner! Thanks Hannah!
I want to say thanks again for all your prayers and I know they work. Thank you so much for caring about us and our kids and Katie! Once you've been through something really hard, you stop and think about how thankful you are for friends and family who love you and have prayed for you. THANK YOU!
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